We did pretty well after all. The last three days, we worked FIFTY TWO hours!! Actually in less than three days. Qualifying was hard since our SKIFF motherboard fried THREE times... Anyway, we pulled ourselves together after a rough time and qualified Tuesday night. We competed in Round 2 and won a definite victory. Then in Round 3 we had an exciting match in which we destroyed our opponent's extension arm... Finally, in round four we lost against King Louie, the winner of the entire 2000 6.270 competition, so we are proud of ourselves for performing well.

What's more, we won a prize and were in the spotlight for a while. We were designated the KEWLEST ROBOT because of our extra sirens and police lights. --Remember that this year's motto was Bots in Blue-- This we pulled off by buying a police truck at taking it apart, incorporating it's light and sounds systems into our robot, which we triggered using a 5V relay... nice.

Oh, I almost forgot, we got a a PRIZE!! Two LEGO sets!!