
The point of this year's robot competition was to capture hackers and put them in jail, while keeping good students and professors on one's own campus. Of course, this was all simulated with a board and blocks.

Our team decided very quickly that the best way to get a large difference in the number of points between teams was to dump the good blocks into our opponent's jail. If everything worked perfectly, we could get a difference in scores of at least 9 points. We would possess the hackers in our robot and dump the students and professors. After changing the route we would take many times, we decided that the path in the diagram (starting from the right side) would be the best because we always seemed to lose blocks during our turns. We had to be careful not to be in the jail at the end of 60 seconds, or there would be a jail break and all the blocks in jail (students and profs) would be on campus.