

This year's contest board offered the contestants with a lot of different possibilities to score points. With the 60 second time limit we were given, each team had to figure out how they could most efficiently collect the greatest number of points, and that meant that we had to pick one strategy and perfect it. After analyzing the possibilites and calculating maximum scores for several different strategies we decided that the best and most feasible strategy would be to make a rectangular loop, collecting and sorting through all the blocks on our side. We saw that if we could bring all the hackers back into our jail and not possess them, while leaving the students on our campus, we would have 24 points, which seemed as if it would be enough to beat most other strategies.
In the end, we did not have enough time to get our entire plan working, so we had to modify our strategy at the last minute. In this new strategy, we basically did as much as our robot could at the time of impounding: our robot was reprogrammed to pick up each hacker on our side and bring them back to jail, which would give us 8 points if done correctly. The main reason that we were not able to use our main strategy was that we lacked the ability to line follow, which we had not had the time to test and put into practice on the actual table. We had tested and calibrated shaft encoding pretty well, and that allowed us to turn effectively and run a certain distance both backwards and forward, which is all we needed to pick up the two hacker blocks.



We were not as succesful as we had wanted to be with the original design we had built. This was mainly due to the fact that we did not leave ourselves enough time to do testing of our robot's strategy. We encountered the standard problems as everyone in testing our code for orientation and calibrating shaft encoding. Due to these problems, and just that we had grand plans, and not enough time to bring those plans to fruition, we ended up quickly paring down our strategy to that described above. In the first round of competition, we had the most unfortunate thing happen to us. We were facing a robot that obviously couldn't do anything, and our battery decided to run out right after we started. So we were not able to score, and took a loss. In round 2, we were all charged up and ready to go, and we easily got the 8 points we wanted. This allowed us to get to the evening competition. In round 3, we were plagued by the hasty nature with which we wrote our code, and the orientation of our robot caused us to select a direction so that after we dropped off the first hacker in jail, we did not make the 180 degree turn needed to get the other block, and thus proceeded to knock the hacker out jail, and thus scored 0 points, and took our second loss to exit the competition.
We were disappointed that we were not able to proceed further, as in the end, the robots that could get those 8 points effectively got as far as the final round of competition. No one would have been able to beat King Louis in this way, but we definitely could have gotten a lot further. We learned a lot about real world testing and building, the truth in robot development and taking ideas and making them a reality. The class in itself was an amazing experience for both of us, and we would love to be a part of it again.

Got any questions or comments? Send em to Neil or Stefan. And wondering where the name and logo Average White Robot comes from? Check out this page for a truly funky experience.