Team 59

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Arms open

    1. Orient
    2. Go forward to top of hill
    3. Extend arms
    4. Backup, dragging all 4 profs. onto campus

    The robot was designed to do one thing and do it well.  We succeeded on the first count.
    We chose a differential steering system because it was simplest and allowed the robot to rotate in place.  Differential drive sends varying amounts of power to each wheel's motors  depending on shaft encoder feedback.  The code provided for differentialDrive reliable.  The robot snaked rather than driving straight, so we resorted to making each wheel rotate a fixed number of ticks based upon the board dimensions.  This worked with some degree of replicability.

    The robot succeeded in test trials but, on the day of the contest, overshot the point at which it was to spread its arms and reverse.  We speculate this might be due to overcharging the batteries the night before the contest.

Ryan Bender, course 6 senior Oguz Silhatar, course 6 senior "LegoMan" the lego man.  (there are many like it but this one is ours)

More pictures
The work arena
The bot attempts to enter Omar's room for much-needed repairs.
Sadly it was ignored.