
This section describes how to use rdcsh ("Roboskiff DaughterCard Shell") to control the Skiff daughtercard without writing and uploading Java code.

Running rdcsh

Once the Skiff is booted, press Control-C to break out of the java interpreter. You should get a # prompt.

Now at the shell prompt, type:


and hit enter. You should now see the rdcsh prompt:

>> RDCsh, Rev 1.00
>> (Edwin Foo )

Congratulations, you're running rdcsh.

Using rdcsh

Now that you're running rdcsh, you can type commands at the prompt that directly control ports on the daughtercard. For example:

mtr set 0 255

Sets the speed of (motor 0) to 255, and

lcd writeln 0 Hello_Dolly

writes "Hello_Dolly" to the first line on the LCD screen.

rdcsh supports commands to control or read all the ports of the daughtercard.

Quitting rdcsh

Simply hit Ctrl-C to quite rdcsh.

If you wish to restart your java code at the # prompt, you can enter:

# kaffe botkit.Main

Summary of Commands

help brings up online help
help cmd brings up online help for cmd
lcd clear Clears the LCD screen
lcd writeln line str writes str to the LCD on line #line
mtr alloff turns off all motors
mtr set port speed sets motor port port speed to speed
adc read port reads the port # port
srv alloff disables all servo ports
srv disable port disables servo port #port
srv set port rotangle sets servo port #port to angle
enc read port reads the encoder port #port
enc reset port resets encoder port #port to zero