1. Robot calibrates position ( calibrate() )
  2. Robot spins turrent towards middle ( orient() )
  3. Phase II, powered by rubber bands on the arm and a slingshot gets shot out ( release() )
  4. Phase III, powered by a motor on phase II, gets dropped on the table and stops anything in its path ( release() )
  5. Inspector Gadget is beeped out ( gadget() )
  6. We dance around a fire in triumph and celebration ( naked_dance() )

"Plan B"

  1. Robot calibrates position
  2. Robot knocks off center ball with arm
  3. Robot locates opponent
  4. Robot destroys opponent in a barrage of lego pieces (all connected)
  5. Robot scavengers remains
  6. Robot takes motors, batteries and handyboard from other robot
  7. Robot assimilates compnent
  8. We dance around a fire in triumph and celebration