Don't look at the rack

Building the Robot...

Aw Yeah This is the beginning stage of one of our many robots.

Elbow Grease...btw, notice the erg in the back? Out of the seven robots we built, the only thing that didn't change was the gear ratios. Lucky 45.

Good job, Avni! Almost to a working prototype...

Our baby Baby Robot

Ghetto Bot.  Avni's so cute 3 days before the first round...still trying to debug prototypes...

Team Love Beauty Tip #49: Legos make great jewelry.

Damn...Nice.  Nice Rack. The Final Product.

(putting it out there)
The robot first oriented itself using 4 light sensors. It then knocked in the ball closest to the trough. When the robot hit the lip of the trough, the rack of the robot passively extended over the trough(conservation of momentum, baby). Then the baby robot resting on the rack zoomed off to the other end. The gear ratio, 27, of the baby robot was critical in getting speed and power. It moved with treads, so that it would zoom off to the other end no matter how it landed in the trough. The umbilical cord of the baby robot was made of lego baseboard tether. After the baby robot was deployed, the mother-bot spit out a little platfrom to block the hole closest to it. The platform covered about three-fourths of the hole, and was effective even if it fell into the hole. It was tethered to the mother-bot with lego chain, and it's deployment was initiated by a motor. The robot was simple, elegant, and well braced (Bracing was and is Janette's bitch).