/* ----------------------------------- Qualification by Rodney Graham, Jamie Hope 29 January 2003 ----------------------------------- */ /* sensor ports */ /* #define START_LIGHT_PORT 31 #define LEFT_LIGHT 3 #define CENTER_LIGHT 4 #define RIGHT_LIGHT 5 #define CLAW_LIGHT 16 #define CENTER_TOUCH 12 #define LEFT_TOUCH 13 #define RIGHT_TOUCH 14 #define CLAW_TOUCH 15 /* motor ports */ #define LEFT_MOTOR 0 #define RIGHT_MOTOR 2 #define TAIL_MOTOR 4 /* servo ports */ #define CLAW_SERVO 0 #define ARM_SERVO 1 #define TAIL_SERVO 2 /* directional constants */ #define FORWARD 0 #define BACKWARD 1 #define LEFT 2 #define RIGHT 3 #define FRONT 0 /* arms */ #define REAR 1 #define LOWER -1 #define RAISE 1 persistent int bGreen, bWhite, tBlack[3], tWhite[3]; /* color thresholds */ persistent int posGee, negGee, accOffset; /* accelerometer constants and thresholds */ int team, currSide; /* team color and current location (side color) */ void main() { int i; float timeBase; initializeServos(); calibrate(); start_machine(31); initializeServos(); team = getColor(RIGHT_LIGHT); while (!pressed(LEFT_TOUCH + !team)) { turn(LEFT + !team); } servo(2, 600); move(FORWARD); spinTail(); timeBase = seconds(); printf("seconds: %d\n", (int)(seconds() - timeBase)); wait(10.0); moveArm(FRONT, LOWER); release(); while (!pressed(CENTER_TOUCH)) { move(FORWARD); if (i%7 == 0) inch(RIGHT); } grasp(); inch(FORWARD); release(); grasp(); moveArm(FRONT, RAISE); wait(1.0); move(BACKWARD); motor(4, 100); wait(2.0); while (getColor(RIGHT_LIGHT) != 0) inch(BACKWARD); ao(); moveArm(REAR, RAISE); } void calibrate() { int NUM = 8, i; float dark[4], bright[4]; printf("Calibration\n"); wait(2.0); printf("proceed: Start exit: Stop\n"); while (wait_button()) { while (!press_start()) printf("Left Light blk value: %d\n", (int)(dark[0] = averageValues(LEFT_LIGHT, NUM))); while (!press_start()) printf("Left Light wh value: %d\n", (int)(bright[0] = averageValues(LEFT_LIGHT, NUM))); while (!press_start()) printf("Center Light blkvalue: %d\n", (int)(dark[1] = averageValues(CENTER_LIGHT, NUM))); while (!press_start()) printf("Center Light wh value: %d\n", (int)(bright[1] = averageValues(CENTER_LIGHT, NUM))); while (!press_start()) printf("Right Light blk value: %d\n", (int)(dark[2] = averageValues(RIGHT_LIGHT, NUM))); while (!press_start()) printf("Right Light wh value: %d\n", (int)(bright[2] = averageValues(RIGHT_LIGHT, NUM))); while (!press_start()) printf("Claw Light grn value: %d\n", (int)(dark[3] = averageValues(CLAW_LIGHT, NUM))); while (!press_start()) printf("Claw Light wh value: %d\n", (int)(bright[3] = averageValues(CLAW_LIGHT, NUM))); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { float margin = bright[i] - dark[i]; if (margin < 0.0) printf("NEG MARGIN ERRORRECALIBRATE\n"); if (i < 3) { tBlack[i] = (int)(dark[i] + (margin * 0.3)); tWhite[i] = (int)(bright[i] - (margin * 0.3)); } else { bGreen = (int)(dark[i] + (margin * 0.3)); bWhite = (int)(bright[i] - (margin * 0.3)); } } printf("Acc Calibration?y:START n:STOP\n"); if (wait_button()) { int duty; start_accel(2); printf("position on a plateau, START\n"); wait_start(); while(!press_start()) { duty = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { duty += (pw /10); wait(0.01); } duty /= 16; printf("zero gees: %d press start\n", duty); } accOffset = duty; printf("Thresholds? y:START n:STOP\n"); if (wait_button()) { while(!press_start()) { duty = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { duty += (pw/10); wait(0.01); } duty /= 16; duty -= accOffset; printf("pos gees: %d press start\n", duty); } posGee = duty; while(!press_start()) { duty = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { duty += (pw/10); wait(0.01); } duty /= 16; duty -= accOffset; printf("neg gees: %d press start\n", duty); } negGee = duty; } stop_accel(2); } printf("Recalibrate? y:START n:STOP\n"); } } /* remove possible opponent ball from lava island and deposit team ball */ void depositBall() { int white = 1; float BALL_DIST = 3.0, DIST_TO_WALL = 15.0, timeBase; /* attempt to remove opponent ball from lava island */ printf("depositBall( %d ) remove\n", currSide); stop(); moveArm(REAR, LOWER); spinTail(); timeBase = seconds(); while ((seconds() - timeBase) < 5.0) { inch(BACKWARD); wait(0.3); } stopTail(); moveArm(REAR, RAISE); /* prepare to deposit team ball by orienting front with lava island */ printf("depositBall( %d ) orient\n", currSide); turn(LEFT + !currSide); wait(0.3); while (getColor(LEFT_LIGHT + currSide) != white) { turn(LEFT + currSide); } while (getColor(CENTER_LIGHT) != white) { inch(LEFT + currSide); } while (!pressed(CENTER_TOUCH) && getDistance() > BALL_DIST) { inch(FORWARD); } stop(); /* deposit team ball!!!! */ printf("depositBall( %d ) deposit\n", currSide); moveArm(FRONT, LOWER); release(); timeBase = seconds(); while((seconds() - timeBase) < 1.0) { inch(FORWARD); wait(0.3); } /* arm is left in lowered position to protect ball */ } /* reeks havoc!!! */ void anarchy() { printf("anarchy( %d )\n", currSide); moveArm(FRONT, RAISE); turn(LEFT + !currSide); wait(0.25); while (getTilt() != 1) { move(FORWARD); } while (getTilt() == 1) { move(FORWARD); } turn(LEFT + team); wait(0.25); while(!pressed(CENTER_TOUCH)) { move(FORWARD); } move(BACKWARD); wait(2.0); } /* find nearest ball and grasp with front claw */ int obtainBall(int attempts) { float BALL_DIST_1 = 6.0, BALL_DIST_2 = 4.5, timeBase, timeDelta; printf("obtainBall( %d, attempts %d )\n", currSide, attempts); stop(); printf("obtainBall() inch forward\n"); /** while (getDistance() > BALL_DIST_1) { inch(FORWARD); } **/ while (!pressed(CENTER_TOUCH)) { moveArm(FRONT, LOWER); release(); while (!pressed(CLAW_TOUCH)) { printf("obtainBall() obtain\n"); /* while (getDistance() > BALL_DIST_2) { inch(FORWARD); } */ inch(FORWARD); } grasp(); moveArm(FRONT, RAISE); if (pressed(CLAW_TOUCH)) break; } if (pressed(CENTER_TOUCH)) { /* wall reached, try to pickup adjacent two ball */ if (attempts == 0) { printf("obtainBall() **back\n"); while (getTilt() == 0 ) { move(BACKWARD); } /* move backward till on incline */ wait(0.5); printf("obtainBall() **turn\n"); timeDelta = seconds(); while (getTilt() != 0) { turn(LEFT + currSide); } /* turn until perpendicular with side wall */ timeDelta = seconds() - timeDelta; printf("obtainBall() **forward\n"); move(FORWARD); /*** how much? ***/ printf("obtainBall() **turn\n"); timeBase = seconds(); /* return to original orientation (i.e. parallel with side wall) */ while ((seconds() - timeBase) < timeDelta) { turn(LEFT + !currSide); } printf("obtainBall() **forward\n"); move(FORWARD); /* move closer to balls */ wait(0.35); return (obtainBall(1)); /* now, attempt to obtain ball */ } } return (getBallColor()); } /* drop ball, currently held, over edge of board */ void removeBall() { float BALL_DIST = 1.0, timeBase, timeDelta; printf("removeBall( %d )\n", currSide); stop(); moveArm(FRONT, RAISE); printf("removeBall() back tilt\n"); while (getTilt() == 0) { move(BACKWARD); } wait(0.5); printf("removeBall() turn no tilt\n"); timeDelta = seconds(); while (getTilt() != 0) { turn(LEFT + currSide); } /* turn until perpendicular with side wall */ timeDelta = seconds() - timeDelta; printf("removeBall() forward\n"); move(FORWARD); /*** how much? ***/ /* rotate to face side wall */ printf("removeBall() turn wall\n"); turn(LEFT + currSide); while (getTilt() != 0) { turn(LEFT + currSide); } while (getDistance() > BALL_DIST/2.0) { move(FORWARD); } /* position arm over edge of board*/ stop(); printf("removeBall() release!\n"); release(); /* drop ball on floor! */ printf("removeBall() reorient\n"); inch(BACKWARD); timeBase = seconds(); /* return to original orientation (i.e. parallel with side wall) */ while ((seconds() - timeBase) < timeDelta) { turn(LEFT + currSide); } move(FORWARD); /* move closer to balls */ wait(0.5); stop(); } /* initiates wall following algorithm */ void followWall() { int sensor; float lastPress; printf("followWall()\n"); if (pressed(LEFT_TOUCH)) sensor = LEFT_TOUCH; else sensor = RIGHT_TOUCH; /* algorithm: turn away from wall and move foward while sensor depressed turn toward wall and move foward while sensor not depressed */ lastPress = seconds(); while (pressed(sensor)) { if ((seconds() - lastPress) > 3.0) { /* TIMEOUT -- robot jammed */ printf("followWall() jammed\n"); move(BACKWARD); /* attempt to free robot */ wait(1.0); turn(LEFT + !(sensor - LEFT_TOUCH)); wait(0.25); lastPress = seconds(); } printf("followWall() away\n"); turn(LEFT + !(sensor - LEFT_TOUCH)); /* turn away from wall */ wait(0.5); move(FORWARD); wait(0.75); } while (!pressed(sensor)) { printf("followWall() toward\n"); turn(LEFT + (sensor - LEFT_TOUCH)); /* turn toward wall */ wait(0.5); move(FORWARD); wait(0.75); } } /* initiates line following algorithm */ void followLine(int lineColor) { int tColors[6]; float entryTime; int i; for (i = LEFT_LIGHT; i <= RIGHT_LIGHT; i++) { entryTime = seconds(); while ((tColors[i] = getColor(i)) == -1) { if ((seconds() - entryTime) > 0.1) { /* TIMEOUT -- sensor cannot resolve color */ printf("followLine() color?\n"); tColors[i] = lineColor; /* assign line color as default; minimizes movement */ break; } } } /* algorithm: see 6.270 Course Notes */ printf("followLine()\n"); if (tColors[LEFT_LIGHT] != lineColor) { if (tColors[CENTER_LIGHT] != lineColor) { if (tColors[RIGHT_LIGHT] != lineColor) { printf(" ! ! !\n"); turn(LEFT + team); } else { printf(" ! ! =\n"); turn(RIGHT); } } else { if (tColors[RIGHT_LIGHT] != lineColor) { printf(" ! = !\n"); move(FORWARD); wait(0.25); } else { printf(" ! = =\n"); inch(RIGHT); } } } else { if (tColors[CENTER_LIGHT] != lineColor) { if (tColors[RIGHT_LIGHT] != lineColor) { printf(" = ! !\n"); turn(LEFT); } else { printf(" = ! =\n"); move(FORWARD); } } else { if (tColors[RIGHT_LIGHT] != lineColor) { printf(" = = !\n"); inch(LEFT); } else { printf(" = = =\n"); inch(FORWARD); } } } } /* initialize positions of servos */ void initializeServos() { grasp(); moveArm(FRONT, RAISE); moveArm(REAR, RAISE); enable_servos(); } /* raises or lowers specified arm */ void moveArm(int arm, int dir) { int MAX[2] = { 3500, 4000 }, MIN[2] = { 1200, 2700 }; /*** PLACEHOLDERS ***/ if (arm == FRONT) grasp(); if (dir == RAISE) servo(ARM_SERVO + arm, MAX[arm]); else if (dir == LOWER) servo(ARM_SERVO + arm, MIN[arm]); } /* close claw */ void grasp() { int POSITION = 500; servo(ARM_SERVO, 0); servo(CLAW_SERVO, POSITION); } /* open claw */ void release() { int POSITION = 3000; servo(CLAW_SERVO, POSITION); } /* start spinning of tail tip */ void spinTail() { motor(TAIL_MOTOR, -100); } /* stop spinning of tail tip */ void stopTail() { off(TAIL_MOTOR); } /* moves or turns robot by small amount */ void inch(int dir) { /* printf("inch( dir %d )\n", dir); */ if (dir == FORWARD) move(FORWARD); else { if (dir == BACKWARD) move(BACKWARD); else { if (dir == LEFT) turn(LEFT); else { if (dir == RIGHT) turn(RIGHT); } } } wait(0.1); stop(); } /* initiates turning of robot in specified direction at default speed */ void turn(int dir) { altTurn(dir, 5); } /* initiates turning of robot in specified direction at specified speed */ /* dir: LEFT, RIGHT; speed: 0 - 5 */ void altTurn(int dir, int speed) { if (dir == LEFT) { motor(LEFT_MOTOR, -(speed * 20)); motor(RIGHT_MOTOR, (speed * 20)); } else { if (dir == RIGHT) { motor(LEFT_MOTOR, (speed * 20)); motor(RIGHT_MOTOR, -(speed * 20)); } } wait(0.25); } /* initiates moving of robot in specified direction at default speed */ void move(int dir) { altMove(dir, 5); } /* initiates moving of robot in specified direction at specified speed */ /* dir: FORWARD, BACKWARD; speed: 0 - 5 */ void altMove(int dir, int speed) { if (dir == FORWARD) { motor(LEFT_MOTOR, (speed * 20)); motor(RIGHT_MOTOR, (speed * 20)); } else { if (dir == BACKWARD) { motor(LEFT_MOTOR, -(speed * 20)); motor(RIGHT_MOTOR, -(speed * 20)); } } wait(0.25); } /* stops movement of robot body */ void stop() { off(LEFT_MOTOR); off(RIGHT_MOTOR); } /* returns distance to object nearest front of robot */ float getDistance() { int DISTANCE = 2, NUM = 10; return (-3.16 + 950.0/(8.58 + averageValues(DISTANCE, NUM))); } /* returns 1 if robot is inclined upward, -1 if inclined downward and 0 otherwise */ int getTilt() { int i, duty, pulse = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) pulse += (pw/10); duty = pulse/16; if (duty > posGee) return 1; else { if (duty < negGee) return -1; else return 0; } } /* returns 1 if touch sensor is depressed and 0 otherwise */ int pressed(int sensor) { digital(sensor); /* initial sensor reading invalid */ return digital(sensor); } /* returns color detected by specified sensor or -1 if color cannot be resolved */ int getColor(int port) { int NUM = 8; float level = averageValues(port, NUM); if ((int)level < tWhite[port - LEFT_LIGHT]) { /* printf("WHITE\n"); */ return 1; /* WHITE = 1 */ } else { if ((int)level > tBlack[port - LEFT_LIGHT]) { /* printf("BLACK\n"); */ return 0; /* BLACK = 0 */ } else { /* printf("Unknown\n"); */ return -1; /* unable to resolve color */ } } } /* returns color detected by light sensor in ball holder or -1 if color cannot be resolved */ int getBallColor() { int NUM = 8; float level = averageValues(CLAW_LIGHT, NUM); if ((int)level < bWhite) { /* printf("WHITE\n"); */ return 1; /* WHITE = 1 */ } else { if ((int)level > bGreen) { /* printf("GREEN\n"); */ return 0; /* GREEN = 0 */ } else { /* printf("Unknown"); */ return -1; /* unable to resolve color */ } } } /* returns average value for specified port */ float averageValues(int port, int sampleSize) { int i, sum = 0; analog(port); /* initial sensor reading invalid */ for (i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++) { sum += analog(port); wait(0.001); } return ((float)sum/(float)sampleSize); } /* replaces sleep() function */ void wait(float sec) { float timeBase = seconds(); while ((seconds() - timeBase) < sec); } /* General HB Functions */ int wait_button() { while(!start_button() && !stop_button()); if (start_button()) { while (start_button() || stop_button()); return 1; } else { while (start_button() || stop_button()); return 0; } } void wait_start() { while (!press_start()); } void wait_stop() { while (!press_stop()); } int press_start() { if (!start_button()) return 0; while (start_button()); return 1; } int press_stop() { if (!stop_button()) return 0; while (stop_button()); return 1; }