6.270 2003 - Jebus

The Home of Jebus


While planning the creation of Jebus, some issues were uncertain -

  • How would it score points?
  • How would it drive?
  • Would it try to score in the cup?

But one issue was simple. From the very beginning, Jebus was destined to ATTACK the other robot. It would be programmed to immediately hit the other robot, so as to ruin any opposing strategy that involved dead reckoning. After that point in a round, some uncertainty would exist because Jebus would be placed arbitrarily. The only thing that would be for sure is that at least one team would get a loss that round - and probably both.

The rest of it's strategy involved attempting to score points for itself, by executing the following steps:

  • It would try to find a ball.
  • Once it found a ball, it would try to grab it.
  • Once it grabbed a ball, it would check if it was a friendly ball or one that belonged to its opponent.
  • If it was an opponent ball, it would dispose of it. The coolest way to do this is to push it off the table, but pushing it to the lowest level was also a viable solution.
  • If it was its own ball, it would score points with it. The ideal way to score points would be to push the ball into the cup, but simply bringing the ball to the center plateau would also be acceptable.