6.270 Team 12  Strategies


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        Our strategy has 2 stages.  It backs up to put the 4 balls in, so we get an aggregate of 2 points either way.  Then we go to the winning color and get the eight balls.  Then we stop close to the middle to decide where the enemy is and go the opposite way. 

1)     If the enemy is close to the front of us, then we turn left and go across to vote.  Then, pick up the  8 more balls and wait till the last 10 seconds and if the color balls we have is the winning color, go to our scoring area, else go to the enemy’s scoring area.

2)    If the enemy is on the other side, we vote, go straight and pick up 8 balls, then wait till the last 10 seconds and if the color balls we have is the winning color, go to our scoring area, else go to the enemy’s scoring area.


Our code: We wanted a timeout function and included one in the competition but have never tested it :-p