The 6.270 Road Runner
Geococcyx californianus

Designed by Connie Yee, Kenny Yan and Eleanor Yang Lin
Road Runner!elusive trophy
Intro Our Team Robot Strategy Code Competition Competition

The Competition Specs - Snakes on a Plane R2

The theme for this competition was snakes on a plane. Teams had to compete for the leading role in Snakes on a Plane R2. The plane was a flat plane, and the snakes were balls. Teams had to push their balls into one of three scoring areas ("cages"). The balls were two different colors, one for each team. Snakes of different colors in the same cage canceled each other out. Thus, a team "owned" a cage if there were more balls of their color in the cage. A tie is a double win. A round in which both robots don't really move is a double loss.

Our team was Road Runner because roadrunners are fast and eat snakes. Yay! Beep beep!