The Game

Snakes on a Plane R2
You guessed it. Snakes on a Plane was such a big hit, that they are coming out with a sequel: Snakes on a Plane: R2. Unfortunately, Sam J has declined the main role of ¨uber FBI agent citing the fact that he didn’t want to out bad-#!$ himself. You see this as an opportunity. Will you be the next Sam J? You and a billion other people want the honor of being the next Sam J, but he has some tough shoes to fill, so competition will be stiff. As such, the casting crew has decided to step it up a bit to filter out those who aren’t bad motha#!$@as. Instead of casting actors, the next Sam J will be a robot, because hey, a robot Sam J might be the only way to actually top Sam J. As such, they have created a robot casting competition. You will control your own snakes, to destroy your opponents snakes, and claim the ultimate title of lead role in Snakes on a Plane: R2. May the baddest motha#!$@ing robot win.