
Mavis Li

Mavis Li

Major: 10B (chemical biological engineering)
Minor: 18 (mathematics), 14 (economics)
From: NYC!!!!
Interests: laughing, shopping, cooking, food, math
Contributions: legoized and built OR gate sensors, legoized other servo, built plow, stuffed tires with rubber-bands, soldered, positioned robot precisely for competition, obtained food for team, helped develop strategy, made poster

Lisa Nakano

Lisa Nakano

Major: 9 (brain and cognitive science), 6-wannabe
Minor: Japanese (not math)
From: Sunnyvale, CA
Interests: arts and crafts, eating, walking downhill (not hiking), legos, pliers
Contributions: built core of robot, built the gear-box, fixed gear-box when necessary, fixed tires when necessary, installed six motors onto Alphalpha, soldered, braced everything, helped debug code, helped develop strategy, made poster, dyed t-shirts

Andy L. Lin

Andy L. Lin

Major: 6-1 (electrical engineering and computer science) From: Parsippany, NJ
Interests: origami, tennis, Chinese yo-yo, websites, piano, violin, skiing, legos…
Contributions: coding, coding, coding, built wall-following wheels, legoized one servo, soldered, built happy board mount, helped develop strategy, webpage, dyed t-shirts

Alphalpha (not Alpha Alpha)


Major: ball throwing
Simmons and Building 38
bullying other robots, throwing balls, kicking butt
1st place in seeding, pushing balls into prisoner zones, hitting other robots on the head with his arm (not intentional, of course), throwing opponents balls off the board.



Major: precision driving
Arctic Legoland
wearing an Eskimo hat, chillin' out (no pun intended)
driving Alphalpha, looking cool, scaring other robots

Group Picture