Team 42 Website


Team Name: Skillz that Killz

·  Introduction

·  Robot Description

·  Mechanical Description

·  Strategy Description

·  Sensors

·  Experience and Competition Results









Team Members:

Ashish Misra (Class of 2008) EMAIL:

Lohith Kini (Class of 2008) EMAIL:


Our robot is agile, mobile and hostile. The best picture we have of our robot is its animal analogue:





Our robot is lightweight and small: 7 FLUs high by 35 FLUs wide by 38 FLUs long. Our main goal was to make the robot agile and fast, to reach ours and opponents balls faster.



Our robot uses two motors to drive 4 wheels (2 medium, 2 large) via a 125:1 ratio gear box. Initially, our robot used a 75:1 ratio gear box but we felt we needed more power for torque and increased the gear box features. Unfortunately, the change in the gear box caused a lot of problems, including the inability to turn to any degree.


Our front side of the robot has a ball compartment with no gate and the back side has a one way gate. Unfortunately, the front side ball compartment opening was two small to capture more than one ball in one swoop. The back one-way gate worked perfectly during the competition and helped use capture balls.



Our initial strategy was to:

*       Orient ourselves to point towards our 4-ball direction

*       Go straight and place all 4 balls in corner score zone

*       Turn 90º such that back of robot is facing opponent’s 2-balls

*       Drive in reverse to displace opponent’s 2-balls

*       Turn 90º again and drive across game board to retrieve our 2-balls

*       Go backwards to midway scoring zone.


A few problems occurred in the last week of competition:

*       Code started to become bulk because of heavy dependence on RF

*       RF was never reliable, which turned out to be true during both the seeding tournaments and the actual competition

*       Our changes in our mechanical design prevented us from turning appropriately


We renewed our strategy on the night of the qualifying tournament on Tuesday. Since we were signed up to be tested last, we were quickly able to write a simple dirty algorithm that used our robots mobility and hostility effectively. Our algorithm has two cases:


Case 1: Our robot is directed towards or away from the 4-balls


Case 2: Our robot is directed towards or away from the 2-balls


Our strategy simple goes straight in the line of direction. If the robot is faced away from the balls in the line of direction, then the robot moves in reverse to grab whichever set of balls is in the line of motion and stays at the scoring zone to prevent the opponent from scoring in that scoring zone. Our robot’s agility helps our robot to reach the zone faster than the opponent but our robot’s small size is a disadvantage against more bulkier heavier opponent robots.


The following is our simple strategy code that we wrote up last minute.



Notice, that when we go straight, we try to turn to 45º and try to attack opponents balls. During competition, the turn never occurred successfully.



We used the following on our robot:

*       Bump sensor to let us know when we have reached a wall

*       Gyro to help us drive in a straight line of motion

o       This sensor was the most accurate of all sensors we tried or had to use for assignments during the term

*       We considered using 2 phototransistors to determine orientation and placement of robot on game board

*       RF technology was faulty and we decided not to use it at all



Our team had an enjoyable time learning the science and engineering of LEGOs™ and sensors. One of the team members, Lohith Kini, had previous robotics experience from MASLab. In comparison, 6.270 was much simpler since all the parts were made out of LEGOs™ and hence made the experience that much more enjoyable. Ashish Misra engineered and designed most of the mechanical, sensory, structural and strategic aspects of the robot while Lohith Kini did some part of coding and helped solder the different parts of the computer.



Our team reached the top 15 robots before it was eliminated. We were surprised that we even made it to the finals competition since our simple dumb algorithm ended up winning in both rounds of the qualification and seeding tournament. During this part of competition, our robot faced two bulky robots that ended up getting stuck while our robot grabbed at least 1 ball.


During the finals competition, our first round was a double loss since our robot was faced in the 2 direction, meaning that our front small gate compartment wasn’t able to go straight and grab any balls. We won the next two rounds because our robot was facing reverse directions and our back one-way gate was very successful in grabbing whatever balls were in its line of motion. The last round we lost even though we grabbed 1 ball since the opponent robot (team 45) was able to score in our scoring region because its bulkiness allowed it to push our robot aside to place their balls.


If we had had a little more time before the competition, we would have changed the front gate into a large one-way gate and would have changed the gear ratio back to 75:1 as before to undo whatever problem caused the inability to spin.