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Idea 1: Overload the Happy Board (idea shot down because recursion is recursion is recursion is recursion...too easy)

Idea 1: Start the robot revolution (idea shot down due to lack of RF)

Idea 2: Rail gun (idea shot down due to lack of suitable parts and funding)

Idea 3: Magnetic pulse strong enough to destroy microprocessors (idea shot down due to potential robot suicide)

Idea 5: PWN!! (Idea shot down due to sensor failure)

Idea 8: Jaws of death (idea shot down due to strangulation of WALL-E stuffed animal)

Idea 13: Friendly claw to pick things up (idea not shut down, but might fail due to lack of sensor success)

Idea 21: SUBNIT TO ANARCHY!! (idea may unintentionally occur...)

Idea 34: Drop test off the Green Building (idea may intentionally occur...)