Battery Pack HOWTO

Charger HOWTO


Power FAQ

Obviously, your robots won't go anywhere without power. Nor will your controller boards boot. This is the Power FAQ.

Quick Warning..

The Hawker cells provided with your kit are quite powerful, so be a little careful around them. Don't do anything stupid like short the terminals with your soldering iron when making your battery packs. Of course, the organizer writing this (Edwin Foo) is not speaking from personal experience...

Recommended Voltages

The RoboSkiff controller boards require at least 5.0 volts in order to boot, and more if motors are active. The Handy Boards generally operate best at that range too. You should try to keep your battery packs charged as fully as possible. The battery packs can be charged beyond their stated maximum of 6.0 volts, up to even 7.2 volts, but it is not recommended as the analog circuitry may not tolerate the extra voltage very well. 6.0 to 6.5 volts is recommended.