Making of EPIC | About the EPIC-ness

About the creators of EPIC

An adventure in awesomeness.

Joseph Martinez codename JOMAR
Jomar was the builder for our team. Sometimes we called him the GEAR MASTER 'cause he did gears. And they sucked. But then they got better. Kinda. He also cooked for us and had the cleanest room - most of the time.

Christopher Palmer aka TOPH
Chris was the coder for the team. If anyone asks, he was the team leader, as he needs all the resume boasters he can get. He writes code that gets it done, but it's dirty. Like the gyroscopes. Except better.

David Bermejo aka BERMEJO
Bermejo was the electrician. He also provided emotional support for everyone. Bermejo also likes long walks on the beach and hotties.


Dave and Jay (team 13, aka TEAM JAY)
Provided us inspiration. Our robot beat the placebo. Some people's didn't. Sucks to be yall.

Thanks for pointing out our crappy soldering job. And our crappy moter mounts. And our crappy code. Maybe next time we'll try something more like your robot. As in, something thats awesome the 20% of the time that it turns on.

A large part of 6.270
Thanks for convincing us that class brings us together, but competition turns everyone into the competitive jerks which inspire people to go to state schools.

Kjell (pronounced Shell, like the thing you step on when you're on the beach)
Kjell supported us emotionally and physically. By physically, I mean he was our bodyguard. We didn't really need one, but the sense of security he provided was worth the emotional and physical payment he demanded.

To the Sponsors
Thanks for the money. Note that it went to a good cause and we actually made a functioning robot. It was stupid, but it worked. We seeded third. We were in the top twenty. Jomar is course 9 (Brain and Cognitive Sciences), David course 15 (Management), and Chris 14 (Economics)/18c (Mathematics with Computer Science). We are all looking for work.

Please contact us.