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About Us

We are a two man team.

Bryan Rosario: He is a man. He is a freshman in MIT planning to major in course 7 & 18. He's taller than Stephen and totally uses a different towel every time he takes a shower, causing him to run out of towels sometimes and making him resort to unworn T-Shirts for drying himself. (Thanks, 6.270, for adding to the stash!).

Stephen Xu: He is also a man. He is also a freshman at MIT and is majoring in course 6 and probably 18 at some point. Stephen totally uses the same towel all the time and forgets to wash it. In addition, his zit on his nose tends to bleed after a shower and leave blood stains on the towel. It doesn't bother him at all. Luckily, recently the zit has receded back into the depths and hasn't been heard from since. He also totally uses yellow legos to represent his Asian.