Notable features

    - Our robot features a set of claws driven by a gear train up front that is designed to actively grab balls from        a 12" radius around the robot and bring them in for safe keeping until it can deposit them.

    - We also have a movable rack driven by a servo that takes our collected balls and raises them over the
       claws' gear train and the game board's wall to dump balls into the goal. Although this feature was never
       fully implemented, it is unique in that it uses rubber bands to straighten the rack once it starts moving.

    - The robot also has a spinning tire on the back to activate the flag box. This feature was also never really

    - Our navigation is primarily done by an on-board gyroscope but also with shaft encoders handled by
       breakbeam sensors that figure out how far one wheel travels with respect to the other.  If the two wheels
       do not travel the same distance, our robot compensates by speeding up one of the wheels until they line
       up again.

Notable problems

    - Our HappyBoard died for four days during the last week of the competition. This gave us nothing to do for
       for those four days and stalled the completion of our bot greatly. Thus, we were unable to implement
       most of our functionality, nor were we very competitive.

    - The Sharp distance sensors provided to us were not as accurate as we had hoped, nor did they have the
                                                               resolution we were looking for. This made it difficult to enable our strategy or locating where we were on
                                                               on the board at all times using a distance sensor on each side of the robot.