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In the past, successful 6.270 robots were the ones that used an aggressive strategy, typically one that blocked the opponent from scoring points while quickly scoring very few points. We modeled our strategy off of this; based on the parameters of the competition, we decided that a robot capable of blocking the opponent’s goal would be most successful.

Initially, we had our robot score two very reliable points in the first 15 seconds of the game and have it punch its way through the field to the opponent’s goal, effectively preventing the enemy robot from scoring. As the competition progressed, however, we noticed that many robots moved quickly and were capable of scoring a significant number of points before our robot could get to their goal. We soon realized that we needed to be in two places at the same time.

Hence, we decided to build a “runner-bot,” a small and quick drone that would escape from the main robot and make its way toward the enemy goal before the opponent could score any points. Once the drone is in place, the main bot would score some easy points – typically more than the enemy robot would be able to score.

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