The following is a summary of the competition. Please refer to the 6.270 website for the unabridged version.

THE TABLE The table


The surface of the table is white, but there are a number of 2” wide black lines. The two slots on the 8' side are 2’ long and 1.5” in height. There is one vertical fixed obstacle on the board, represented on the figure by the blue rectangle. It is 2”x18” and stands 10” tall. There are 44 (22 red and 22 green) approximately 1” diameter balls on the table. Balls are placed at the corners of an 8” x 8” square. Balls may be pushed around, picked up, knocked on the table, or otherwise moved by the robot. Robots begin in the center of the table, with the white robot starting on the black cross and the black robot starting on the white cross.


There are six scoring areas in total. The two bins on the sides of the table are for voting. Each ball placed into a voting bin (regardless of the color of the ball) is counted as a vote for for the voting bin’s color. At the end of the round the voting determines the value of the balls, with the ’winning’ color being worth 2 points and the loosing color being worth -1 points. In the event of a tied vote, the winner will be the color which first reached the tied score. The team with the higher score at the end of the match wins the match.

Voting alone is not enough, the robot must move balls eiather in or out of one of the scoring areas. Therefore, double-loss and double-win are possible outcomes. This applies even if the score is 0-0. If one robot forfeits a match for any reason, it will receive a loss for that round and will be replaced with a placebo. The match will then run as it would normally.The competition will be a double elimination tournament held over the course of two days. When all but one robot has been eliminated, that robot will be crowned champion.

All the robots will recieve a radio signal informing them to start the match. After the start signal,the robots may turn on any motors or actuators and the robots have 60 seconds to compete and score points. The match ends when all robots and game objects on the table come to a rest.