The Team

Team 34, better known as Mevdor, is composed of two roommates, Evan Iwerks and Mason Tang, who are described in more detail below. While the month of January was full of trials and tribulations, Evan and Mason succeeded in willing an awesome robot into being. Their robot, Mevtron, successfully made it through four rounds in the 6.270 finals before succumbing to a mysterious and inexplicably gradual loss of power.

Both Evan and Mason worked mostly from their (admittedly awesome) double in Burton-Conner, where a large purple futon was repurposed as a LEGO repository and workstation. Whenever the two did coerce each other to make the long trek over to lab, however, they typically stayed for at least six hours, often running over to Stata to grab lunch or dinner (the distinction between the two was often blurred). They were never compelled to work overnight during IAP, an honor possibly due to the fact it was terrifically easy to find time to work on the robot. Living in the same room as your teammate and your robot does have its advantages.

Evan Iwerks

A being of pure awesome.

Mason Tang
