Team 13

Sari Canelake is a junior majoring in 6-3 (Computer Science). She enjoys kittens, long walks in the park, and Unix. In her spare time she is a member of MIT's Lecture Series Committee, where she projects movies (on 35mm film!) to a rapt audience. She is also a member of her dorm's government, having served in various capacities as secretary, vice-president, and treasurer. Additionally, she dabbles in being an indie movie buff, knitting, and dressmaking. Sarina can be reached at sarina [at] mit [dot] edu.

Liz Denys is a sophomore, who will be majoring in either 6-2 (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) and 18 (Mathematics) or 6-1 (Electrical Engineering) and 18C (Mathematics with Computer Science). She is also the Public Relations Chair for the Undergraduate Association, student government at MIT, and a member of Alpha Chi Omega. In her spare time, Liz enjoys dancing to Celtic and other ethnic music, drawing, zephyring, audio editing, cooking, caring about web standards, and jewelry making. Liz can be reached at lizdenys [at] mit [dot] edu.

Kat Kononov is a freshman, who expects to major in 18 (Mathematics). She's from Chicago, IL and at MIT, lives in Senior House. Her hobbies are computers, skateboarding, and art. Her role on Team Oliver was mainly building mechanical modules of the robot and mounting sensors. She enjoyed 6.270 a lot and found the organizers to be really great—she'd definitely recommend this class to other people. Kat can be reached at kkon [at] mit [dot] edu.