6.270 Autonomous Robot Design Competition


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Robot and Strategy





"Roundhouse kick to the FACCCCEEEEE!!!"

Course 6-1
Class of 2009

Doug was in charge of most of the Lego work for our group. A self-proclaimed, sarcastic Lego guru, Doug has competed in Lego robotics competitions before in high school. Every version of our robot was pretty much handbuilt by him. Oh, and he is a stickler about bracing.

Doug regrets to inform the ladies that he is, indeed, taken. In fact, he and long-time friend, Randy Li, have been trying to keep their relationship in the shadows. But now, with the dramatic conclusion of 6.270, he feels that it is time to come out of the closet.

We can only applaud you for your courage. Congratulations Doug.


"Why can't we put a swastika on our robot??"

Course 6-2
Class of 2009

Shelley . . . doesn't really know what she did. She did some coding, testing, building (none of which was incorporated into the final robot . . . --ahem), etc. She also beat the team spirit out of The Three Headed Coin. Unfortunately, she was also outvoted on most of her ideas because apparently, boys like to band together when voting. But Shelley isn't worried because she is making the website. =)


"Let's flip the other robot out of the ring!!"

Course 6-2
Class of 2009

Peak is our resident coder and sarcastic accompaniment to Dug. He also helped to desgin our robot for Assignment 2. Peak thinks it would be cool if we could build robots that are bent on destruction . . . wouldn't that be cool? Unfortunately, it is illegal to "purposely" harm the opponent robot in 6.270. Peak thinks this is LAME.

© Copyright IAP 2007. The Three Headed Coin.

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