Election 2008 - Choose Your Bot
  • Date: January 31, 2008
  • Location: 26-100
  • Time: 6 pm
  • The campaign staff for each of the candidates spent long and grueling hours preparing everyone for the election. Being a double elimination, round 1 resulted in numerous double losses and really stacked up the loser's bracket. Each subsequent round featured more and more placebos, the favorites being the ferris wheel and the gravitron. In the end, Something Else... won the competition with their consistent robot.

    Honestly, other election years were a lot more exciting... and a lot better-attended. Too bad the below-average number of candidates struggled with their platforms. On the bright side, there were nice prizes for winning. Seriously, laptops and an Xbox? Not too bad. At least we all walked out with a Rubik's cube.

    REAL TIME UPDATE!! January 31, 2008 @ 8:42 pm

    After hearing of the possibility of a certain candidate to drop out of the election due to two election inconsistencies, Icarus-bot demanded a recount. The officials deliberated and gave it a preposterous second chance (with no explanation to the public): face off with a random candidate for a spot in the final four. Icarus-bot tried its best, but unfortunately, the opponent I AM BATMAN was too persuasive. Icarus-bot graciously fell out of the race at 8:58 pm, Eastern Time and is satisfied with their finish of "fifth" place.


    This webpage is in no way affiliated with the 2008 Presidential Campaign. All characters are purely fictional, and any resemblance to real life events are purely coincidental. © Team 7, 6.270 IAP 2008