The Team

As with any team project, success is limited by the persons in it and their ability to work together.

We both made sure we were going to have the time commitment and fuel for the project. After all, we wanted to win something as freshmen that was commonly won by teams of upper classmen or graduate students.

Olivia Bishop '11
Course 8 or 6 or both...

(written by Matt) Olivia enjoys programming, solving math problems, singing (doesn't think she's good... but actually is) or watching musicals, and playing the trombone. Near the middle of the project she got a little knack for dark matter, which was throughly confusing to me. She's good at bringing smiles and jokes even during the most mundane of times. She can out eat me. Her drive to get things done definitely helped push me when all I could think of was sleep. Despite the frustration with getting the code to work, she never gave up programming the robot. Her tenacity motivated me to continue working through my side of the challenges. She knows how to end every good work session in the lab with style: ice cream from the student center at 5AM. She has an obsession for cleanliness and organization. See her a week before exams and she'll spend a few days just organizing and digitalizing her notes. None of the pictures on this site show her poofy hair... but it gets really big and looks cool.

Matt Udomphol '11
Course 15/2A or 15/6-2

(written by Olivia)  Matt is quite awesome.  He enjoys rockets, robots, and everything else nerdy except for math.  He wears green stuff a lot, and his hair sticks up in the morning.  He's talented, creative and ambitious, and thinks up a ton of things nobody else would ever think of... then he goes and does them.  Nothing is ever too difficult for Matt, and he always loves a good challenge (unless it involves staying awake through RENT.)   He is dedicated in everything he does, and doesn't let anything get in the way.  Willing to work all night if he needs to, he sets ambitious goals and doesn't stop till he's reached them.  He's also great at teaching ping pong and is convinced that Asians don't smell.  Interests include sqeegees and 10-250...  Outside school, he enjoys volleyball, racket sports, and running.  He does not enjoy frozen food, math, and people saying tennis isn't a sport.